
MBBS quota seats ‘sold’ by colleges in Telangana

Seats are being blocked even before the test is conducted

Hyderabad: The separate entrance test being conducted by private medical colleges in Telangana to fill 35 per cent management quota seats in MBBS and BDS courses has become controversial.

The college managements, which secured permission from the government to conduct their own entrance test by promising “merit and transparency” in the exam process, took a U-turn after getting government approval three days ago. Instead of ensuring merit, they have opened a Rs 1,000-crore admissions market by putting over 700 MBBS seats on sale.

Seats are being blocked even before the test is conducted. Exam notification has been issued secretly and students have been given just four days to apply. Notifications should be given prominently in two English and Telugu dailies, but they appeared only in one Telugu daily.

These colleges are located in TS, but surprisingly only four exam centres have been set up in the state while 10 centres were allotted to AP.

Brokers too are promising question papers before the test. The due date to apply for the test is May 28 and test is scheduled on June 3.

While the government had stipulated that the exam process should be held under its provision, the managements are acting independently.

Medical education minister C. Laxma Reddy said, “If managements flout norms, then the government will be forced to rethink on allowing them their own test.”

( Source : dc )
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