This guy takes his fiance out for a walk on a 'dog leash'
Images of Xena being treated like a dog went viral but she says shes perfectly happy with it

The couple have been discussing their rather unusual relationship - and it involves collars. (Picture Courtesy: Instagram)
London: A couple from NYC has given a new meaning to "puppy love" with the man taking his fiancee for walkies with a collar and lead.
Nathan Riely takes his 21-year-old bride-to-be out with his dog Scout and like the pooch she will be on a lead, on all fours and dunking her head in water fountains, the Mirror reported.
While explaining his unusual love, the Truck driver said that the leash and collar were symbols of their bond to one another and the collar was like a ring for most couples.
Riely's partner, who now only goes by the name "Xena, Nathan's puppy", said that this was the lifestyle she chose and it completely feels normal.
The pair lives in Staten Island, New York, and met online before they started dating two months ago and are planning to walk down the aisle on Halloween next year.
( Source : ANI )
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