Karnataka: Medical Council of India approves 450 new medical seats
The state government had provided all the necessary infrastructure and facilities

BENGALURU: For MBBS seat aspirants here is happy news. The Medical Council of India (MCI) board of directors, who met on Tuesday, have reportedly agreed to allow three government medical colleges to admit students from this academic year.
According to sources these colleges were part of six medical colleges proposed by the state government last year. They said MCI directors have agreed to allow Gadag Institute of Medical Sciences (GIMS), Koppal Institute of Medical Sciences and Gulbarga Institute of Medical Sciences to admit students from this academic year. All the three colleges were sanctioned an annual intake of 150 seats each.
An officer following the developments closely, said the state government had provided all the necessary infrastructure and facilities to these three colleges last year itself. “Last year itself MCI inspected these three colleges twice. But citing various shortcomings, MCI didn’t allow the colleges to admit students last year. Even the local Members of Parliament tried their best to get permission through then health minister Harshavardhan. But finally from this year onwards these colleges will admit students,” he said.
According to the sources, state government is also trying to get permission to at least three other government medical colleges. “State medical education department is working on starting another three medical colleges in Karwar, Coorg and Chamarajnagar. Most of the infrastructure including faculty are provided. We hope these colleges will also get permission soon,” the officer said.
However, many feel that these three new colleges would only benefit aspirants from Hyderbad Karnataka region. “Koppal and Gulbarga fall under HK region. This means majority of the seats available in these colleges will go to local students,” sources said.