
In ‘Knee’d of support

Here’s a simple yet effective workout regime to give you strong knees of steel

Your knees are vulnerable when you’re playing, walking or running. Before they begin to hurt while doing any kind of exercise, it’s time to take action. Begin with strength training to keep your knees strong. This will also help lessen the impact created by regular workouts. Even fitness queen Jane Fonda swears by working out for stronger knees.

Because of its complex structure and weight bearing capacity, the knee is the most commonly injured joint. Knee injuries can result from a blow or twist of the knee; from improper landing after a jump, or from running too hard, too much, or without a proper warm up. A basic routine of leg workouts involves two movements at the knee joint —flexion and extension. Here are a few steps on how you can increase your lower body strength and improve your flexibility. These exercises not only keep you fit, but will also help you get rid of knee pain, maintain overall fitness and also make you a better athlete.

— The writer is a fitness expert, Gold's Gym India.

Leg Extensions

  • Sit on machine with the back against the padded support.
  • Place front of lower legs under a padded lever.
  • Position knee articulation at the same axis as a lever fulcrum.
  • Grasp handles at sides for support.
  • Move lever forward and upward by extending knees until leg are straight.
  • Return lever to original position by bending knees.
  • Repeat.

Leg curls

  • Sit on machine with the back against padded back support.
  • Place the back of your lower leg on top of the padded lever.
  • Secure lap pad against the thigh, just above the knees.
  • Grasp handles on lap support.
  • Pull lever to the back of the thighs by flexing the knees.
  • Return lever until knees are straight.
  • Repeat.

Body Weight Step–Ups

  • Stand behind a 12-inch platform or step. You can hold a weight if you like.
  • Place the right foot on the step, transfer the weight to the heel and push into the heel to come onto the step.
  • Concentrate on only using the right leg, keeping the left leg active only for balance.
  • Slowly step back and repeat on the right leg before switching to the left.

Supported Body Weight Squats

  • Stand with a shoulder width stance.
  • Bend knees forward while allowing hips to bend back. Keep the back straight and knees pointed in the same direction as feet.
  • Descend until thighs are just past parallel to the floor.
  • Extend knees and hips until legs are straight.
  • Return and repeat.


  1. As legs and knees are the base of the body, carrying the load of the upper body, hence they have to be strong.
  2. Having stronger knees leads to better performance in terms of walking, jogging, running and jumping.
  3. Maintains a body balance (equilibrium).
  4. Also helps in strenuous workouts that includes lifting overhead weights, practicing functional movements such as stepping up and down the stairs, climbing a wall or a rock (trekking or adventurous sports).
( Source : dc )
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