Mummy makeover' craze sees more women opting for nip and tucks
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and a breast augmentation are in high demand

Washington : Mummy makeover" is a new kind of plastic surgery that women are opting to get their perfect post-baby figure.
Jeremy Hunt, spokesman for the Australian Society of Plastic Surgery, said that the amount of women seeking tummy tucks or abdominoplasty and breast surgery is on the rise and that he performs the procedure on "hundreds of mums each year," reported.
Hunt, whose cliental ranges from young mums who have just given birth, to women in their late 50s who have decided they want a mummy makeover years after giving birth, added that by combining the abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and a breast augmentation mums look and feel like themselves again in no time.
A Wollongong public servant Cassandra Te Nana, who after giving birth to four boys was unhappy with the way her body recovered and began looking for a solution, said that she researched a bit about women having 'mummy makeovers' after kids.
The 30-year-old added that looking at before and after photos, she was kind of pleased to find that many other women looked like she did after having kids and so she went and saw a plastic surgeon to see what could be done.
Te Nana decided to wait 12 months to try and lose weight before committing to any surgery, but after shedding an impressive 22 kilograms, she was unhappy than before because of the excess skin.
After Te Nana decided to undergo a mummy makeover to "bring her back to the way she looked before, she noted that she is more confident, a lot more active and her whole life has changed. Hunt explained that the common feedback we receive about why mums want surgery is a lack of confidence, wanting to be able to feel and look good in public again, fit back in their old clothes, the list goes on. He noted that magazines and the internet are full of celebs flaunting their perfect post-baby bodies just weeks after giving birth, but for most women, no amount of diet or exercise can restore a tummy or breasts that have been stretched and contracted through pregnancy and breastfeeding.
( Source : ANI )
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