
Sania Mirza: On top of her game

World No. 1 Sania Mirza is glad to be home, spending time with her family

Hyderabad: She may have traversed the world but home is where the heart is for tennis ace Sania Mirza. In Hyderabad after becoming the World No. 1 doubles player, the 28-year-old is relishing her feat as she captains India in their Fed Cup Group II campaign at Lal Bahadur Stadium Tennis Complex, the very venue where she won her first major singles title a decade ago. “Hyderabad is my world. I’ve lived all my life here and the city is extremely special. It is very special to be here especially this week since I’ve become No.1 and my journey started right here, in 2004. When I think of home, I think of Hyderabad,” she told this
Sania’s cricketer husband Shoaib Malik landed in the city from Pakistan on Thursday night and drove straight to the stadium where Sania was in the thick of things as India beat Malaysia. He was quite a hit with the crowd as well, signing autographs. “The people of Hyderabad have treated me with a lot of warmth and affection. Regarding Sania’s No.1 rank, I am extremely proud and overwhelmed. But I am not surprised at all as I have seen first hand the effort Sania puts into her tennis,” Shoaib said.
Sania was obviously elated. “It’s nice to have him here so that we can celebrate together for a while before I leave for Germany (for a series of tournaments) on Sunday. Being a sportsperson himself, Shoaib understands the challenges and the pressures that are part of professional sport at the highest level and that’s good. He’s always been very supportive of whatever decision I have had to make with regard to playing,” she said.
Tackling time
Time is indeed a premium for the sporting couple but they try to make the most of whatever is available. “It’s tough with both of us travelling most of the time but I have always supported Sania and will support her till the time she wants to play. The best part is she’s doing great!” Shoaib had told this newspaper earlier.
“After I have come to Hyderabad, I have hardly managed to sleep very few hours a night. I guess we have to function on less sleep and more work. That’s just the way it is... it’s just not easy at the top. People always see the glamourous side but there are so many things on hand that most of the time you are fighting time. However, if you want the Pros of being a celebrity then you have to take the Cons as well,” Sania says philosophically.
She’s not even had a proper chance to celebrate most of her feats but takes it in her stride. “It’s part of the game. We travel around the world for 30 weeks an year,” she sighs.
Sacrifices aplenty
Sania has had to make a lot of adjustments in her quest for excellence but chooses to play them down. “I have been fortunate to realise my dream of being No.1 after going through the grind for 22 years. There are a lot of players who sacrifice a lot as well but don’t get there unfortunately as this sport is so demanding,” she says.
Speaking about the things she missed, she goes on: “Not having normal school days or a regular college life are some of them. Having at least one of my parents travelling with me all the time, living out of suitcases has been another one — my (eight years younger) kid sister Anam had to miss out on their combined attention early on when we were on the move, playing tournaments. Financially too it takes a toll. We as a family have gone through all this. Now, it looks like those hard times were worth it.”
Spicy foodie
While in Hyderabad, Sania doesn’t really go out except to a couple of coffee shops. “I don’t really eat out that much here anymore because I’m eating out all the time on the tour anyway,” she giggles. “But sometimes during Ramzan I set off to the old city to have haleem — I have to go there in disguise, like covering my face, though (to avoid fans). Oh! The old city is amazing during Ramazan.”
Talking about taste buds, Sania says, “being a Hyderabadi, I like spicy food — I love my biryanis, my haleems and the chicken 65s.” Doesn’t that hamper her fitness? “Controlling your diet is of course tough but if you eat biryani then you might have to run an extra 20 minutes the following morning to burn those calories,” she chuckles.
Fitness is an integral part of her daily routine. “I end up working out for about two-and-a-half hours in the gym on the agility, strengthening and other aspects apart from playing tennis everyday,” she informs.
Sania is also known for her fashion statements. “I just want to look nice, I guess everyone does,” she quips, before making a telling point. “In these days of blogs and websites where everything gets written about, you have to be on top of your game all the time — on and off the court!”
( Source : dc )
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