US stops Intel to supply supercomputer chips to China
China needs Intel chips to update the supercomputer in its country

Tianhe-2 computer, the world’s fastest super computer, developed by 1,300 scientists and engineers, is located in Guangzhou, China. The 33.86-petaflops capable superfast computer has topped the Top-500 fastest computer’s list since four years till date. However, the supercomputer needs to be upgraded in time and it needs computer parts and chips for the upgrade.
According to BBC, Intel had applied for a license to export tens and thousands of computer chips in order to update the Tianhe-2 computer. However, the Department of Commerce has refused the deal, stating that they were concerned about China using the supercomputer for nuclear research.
Intel has also signed a $200 million deal with the US Government to build a massive supercomputer at a national laboratory. The US Department of Commerce put up a notice published online, which states that ‘The TianHe–1A and TianHe–2 supercomputers are believed to be used in nuclear explosive activities’. The report further added, the notice added that the four institutions where the supercomputers would be located were deemed to be ‘acting contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States’.
Intel has applied for the license and it was denied. Intel has stated that they are in compliance with the US Law.
BBC also reported that China is now believed to be accelerating its own home-grown chip-making efforts. This will boost the power of the four supercomputers and complete the upgrade programme.