One-armed body builder doesn't let anything get in his way

Meet Luke Ericson, whose commitment will definitely leave you awestruck. Ericson was born without a left arm, and with a left lung that is half the normal size. He developed scoliosis because of his weight imbalance. But, none of it stopped him and in this video, he showcases incredible balance and fast-twitch muscle control.
And while that may seem like an incredible feat to anyone else, Ericson says it’s only common sense he pushes himself to a point his “limitations” suggest he can’t get to.
He mentions, "You only get one of each… You only get one body, you only get one life. So, you wanna, like, enjoy your time here on this Earth. Like being healthy, feeling healthy; there’s nothing better than that." He totally owns every bit of it.
Watch the video here.