Emraan will look as convincing as Azharuddin says director Tony D'Souza
Hashmi is spending all the time he can polishing his cricketing skills with Azharuddin

Mumbai: Playing Mohammad Azharuddin is not a minor privilege. Emaraan Hashmi who has been granted the privilege in director Tony D’Souza’s bio-pic is taking no chances.
Hashmi is spending all the time he can polishing his cricketing skills on the field with Azharuddin.
Confirming this director Tony D’Souza, “Azhar is personally training Emraan in Delhi and Mumbai. They are spending as much time together as possible, so that Emraan looks convincing playing Azhar and playing LIKE Azhar.”
Explaining the complexity of the character Tony says, “Playing a living character who is a legend of the field is not the same as recreating a biographical character who is no more with us. Emraan has to get all the nuances right. Most importantly he has to play cricket well enough to look like Azharbhai.”
Getting a duplicate to do the intricate shots on the field was an idea that was considered, and then discarded.
“We don’t want to cheat on the authenticity level. Emraan must justify the fact that he’s playing Azharuddin,” says Tony.