Ferry tragedy turns murder mystery
Accuracy of list of passengers under scanner; doubts on safety measures

Brindisi, Italy: Ten passengers dead, dozens unaccounted for and no-one able to say with any certainty how many people were on board the Norman Atlantic when it burst into flames. A Greek ferry tragedy in the Adriatic turned into a murder mystery on Tuesday as a fiasco over the accuracy of the passenger list added to questions over safety systems aboard. The ill-fated Italian-owned ship claimed two more lives when two Albanian seamen died from injuries sustained when a cable linking their tugboat to the ferry snapped.
The Italian prosecutor investigating Sunday’s disaster said he assumed more bodies would be found on the ship. Giuseppe Volpe said the fact that a number of stowaways had been among those rescued from the ferry meant “it is likely that we will find other victims in the wreckage.” Nearly 40 passengers listed as having been on the ferry are still unaccounted for but it is unclear whether this is due to them having died as a result of the fire or by drowning, or the result of errors in the ship's manifest.
Greek survivor Urania Thireou offered a possible explanation.“At the start, there were people who got into the biggest lifeboat,” she told AFP at a hotel in the Italian port city of Brindisi.“They got it into the water but we were told afterwards that they were not rescued.” With conditions in the eastern Adriatic still extremely rough, Italian authorities decided to try to tow the ferry to port in Albania rather than risk the longer crossing back to Italy.
Amid the uncertainty over the passenger numbers, Italian coastguards and navy helicopters were continuing to scour the waters around the stricken ferry, which caught fire after it left the Greek port of Patras bound for Italy.Officially, 437 people who were on board have been accounted for, 38 short of a revised total of passengers and crew released by the ship’s operator ANEK Ferries. But government ministers in both Greece and Italy have confirmed that there are significant discrepancies between the list released by ANEK and the people saved.
Greece’s Merchant Marine Minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis has admitted that one person appeared twice on the ANEK list and complained about poor communication with Italy.“I strongly doubt that all the names on the list are real,” he said. The ship's Italian owner, ANEK and its Italian captain all face possible manslaughter charges arising from Volpe's investigation.The accounts of passengers evacuated from the ferry after a terrifying 24-hour ordeal have depicted the Norman Atlantic's crew as being completely unprepared to deal with an emergency.