Don’t bring Nizam sarkar in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana: Vishwa Hindu Parishad
The virat sammelan concluded with Hindu rituals ‘homas and yagnas’.

Hyderabad: The National Vishwa Hindu Parishad leaders called for increasing and strengthening Hindu population in the country through strategic efforts and called for ‘ghar wapsi’ in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana state.
“Conversion of Hindus to other religions has been happening and the population of Hindus has reduced over the years. But, we will not let it go on. We will embrace our brothers and sisters who converted to Muslim and Christian religion,” said Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) president Pravin Tagodia.
He was addressing a mammoth gathering of over 50,000 people at Bhagyanagar Hindu Shakti Sangamam at NTR Stadium near Indira Park.
He called all the downtrodden of Hindu religion and those converted to other religions that the VHP, as a Hindu family, would protect and support them.
“No Hindu would sleep on an empty stomach. Even the health services in private hospitals will be extended to our Hindu brothers in the city,” said Mr Tagodia while announcing a toll-free helpline number for health services.
He also hinted indirectly at a certain party without taking its name. “Do not try to bring Nizam sarkar here or else every Hindu will become Sardar Vallabhai Patel. Even the Muslims and Christians in India are of the Hindu origin.”
The VHP leader said that to strengthen the Hindu people the support of the government is also very essential.
“At the Centre, a government concerned about Hindus has come. We should also bring that in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh,” he said.
Another national VHP leader Ganapally Raghava Reddy hit out at those using derogatory language against Hindus and Hindu Gods in the state. “It is the responsibility of every Hindu to fight whoever disrespects the religion. Whoever sees or comes across bad verbal language used against Hindus and Hindu Gods should first lodge a writ petition as a Hindu,” he said while taking assurance from the thousands at the gathering.
Several Hindu religious leaders including Ramanuja Chinna Jeeyar Swamy, Kamalananda Bharati, Satyapadananda Prabhu among others who were present on the platform of virat sammelan, called to protect the Hindu religion.
Certain leaders said that the Hindu religion is strengthening and has grown in number. “Hindus under the ambit of VHP have grown stronger across 500 villages in AP and TS and would not tolerate anything derogatory over Hindus,” said a leader at the platform.
The virat sammelan concluded with Hindu rituals ‘homas and yagnas’.