
911-like helpline likely in 6 months

The number will start in 114 cities in 37 states and UTs

New Delhi: The Narendra Modi government is working against a six-month deadline to set up a central number across the country, along the lines of the 911 emergency number in the US, that women in distress can call.
The number will start in 114 cities in 37 states and UTs identified as “most vulnerable” and in “vulnerable” metro cities and smaller cities for women’s safety and security and calls will demand the prompt attention of the government.
A fresh mapping of vulnerable districts across India undertaken by the MHA, with the help of the National Crimes Records Bureau, has thrown up 114 cities as unsafe for women. The MHA has decided that the national helpline number will cover all the 114 cities in the first phase.
The number will then be extended to the entire country in the next two years, a top government functionary said.
( Source : dc correspondent )
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