KCBC warns of a tipsy generation
NSS gen. sec meets Mar Cleemis, extends support to government’s liquor policy

KOZHIKODE: The anti-liquor campaign committee of Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Council (KCBC) in association with the Kozhikode and Thamarassery dioceses conducted a ‘stand-up strike with mouth tied with black cloth’ in protest against the ‘diluted liquor policy’ of the state government, at Vaikkom Muhammed Basheer Road here on Friday. Hundreds of people including nuns and priests participated in the agitation.
The participants also took an oath on eliminating the influence of liquor from society and also warned the government against its pro-liquor stand which would create another generation of drunkards.
The participants carried placards with anti-liquor slogans including reinstating the revised liquor policy, withdrawing the licenses issued for beer and wine parlours, ‘controlling minister KC Joseph who unleash criticism on the church on behalf of the government’ and withdrawing from the existing policy of promoting liquor mafia.
Kozhikode diocese director Fr Dani Joseph, Fr Paul Percy Desilva, state secretary Antony Jacob Chavara among others participated in the programme.