
Flight cancellations help premium trains score

A total number of 197 premium trains were introduced by the Indian Railways

Kochi: The premium trains to and from the state are running at full capacity this Christmas season ever since the introduction of the dynamic fare system, thanks to the cancellation of schedules of a budget airline.

The premium trains, a hit elsewhere in the country, had so far evoked lukewarm response here but now the seats have been full for all four premium trains that the railways announced three days ago.

Whether it is the Bangalore Cantonment –Trivandrum Central (T No 02657), Mumbai LTT-Tirunelveli (T No 02057), Mumbai LTT-Ernakulam (T No 02065) and Pune Ernakulam (T No 02059), no seats are available till Christmas day.

“My Spicejet flight from Bangalore to Kochi scheduled on Saturday was cancelled. I had booked earlier before knowing about the airline crisis.

Then I tried in the premium trains and to my surprise all was full. Finally I took a private sleeper coach to come to my native place to celebrate Christmas,” said Johnpaul Antony, working in Bangalore but hails from Ernakulam.

The ticket prices have risen to match flight rates. For instance a 3rd AC ticket from Nizamuddhin to Kochiveli in the T No 04410 premium costs Rs 3050.

With the good response, railways have introduced more premium trains to facilitate their return journey like the Trivandrum-Bangalore Cantonment Superfast premium.

The train will leave Thiruvananthapuram at 6.45 pm on January 13 and reach its destination at 8.10 the next morning.

It will have stops at Kollam, Chengannur, Kottayam, Ernakulam Town, Thrissur and Bangarapet. “This will be in addition to the return trips of the above premium trains,” said a railway official.

A total number of 197 premium trains were introduced by the Indian Railways. The total additional earnings on account of dynamic fares up to November last since the introduction in December 2013 is Rs 49.71 crore.

The fares for the premium special trains, which are on dynamic pricing, increase depending upon the demand and availability of accommodation.

( Source : dc )
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