Hamlets under 5th Schedule
Chandy settlement with Janu boost for grass root level democracy

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The big take away for adivasis from the agreement reached between government and Adivasi Gothra Mahasabha is the decision to bring tribal hamlets (adivasi oorus) under Fifth Schedule of the Constitution.
By notifying tribal hamlet under the Fifth Schedule, the government has given constitutional protection to oorus.
The decision would pave the way for independent grama sabhas, self rule, control over transfer and sale of land, funds utilisation, say on the development activities and separate administrative set up.
Under Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas ) Act 1996 popularly known as PESA Act, which the government has agreed to implement, the villages will be redefined.
As per the Act, village is a hamlet or a group of hamlets comprising a community managing its own affairs in accordance with the customary practice.
While the Adivasi Gothra Mahasabha had demanded special status for 4200 hamlets across the state, for the moment the government has agreed to include hamlets in Wayanad, Attapadi, Aralam, Edamalakudi and in Nilambur.
There are about 1500 hamlets in Wayanad and 190 in Attapadi. The Gothra Mahasabha has also demanded special panchayat status for Vithura, Neyyar dam and Peringamala.
Gothra Mahasabha leader M Geethanadnan said that the package was significant as it would empower tribals.
“We expect the government to implement Cabinet decision in full letter and spirit. We will be closely monitoring the implementation at every stage,’’ he said.
When asked about the role of organisations like CPM led Adivasi Kshema Samithi in fighting for tribals, he said; “Gothra Mahasabha is a living organisation of living persons.
It is face to a community and has dynamic relationship. But the CPM outfit is trying to wrest control of Urban areas. Their organisation runs from the party offices and is fully controlled by party,” he said.
Political experts said that though adivasi population in the state was electorally insignificant, Chief Minister Oommen Chandy took the decision to earn the goodwill of the people and also to counter the growing influence of Maoists in tribal areas.
During the 162 day nilpu samara, the adivasis had received widespread support from various sections of the society and had generated a lot of empathy.