
Maintenance tax on capital

The extra taxes will become a burden

Hyderabad: As per provision 108 of the CRDA Bill, the authority may levy specific cess for the implementation of specific capital infrastructure projects.

Provision 39 of the Bill says that the final plot owners shall have to pay for the usage, consumption and maintenance charges levied by the agencies responsible for the common infrastructure and respective services including roads, street lighting, solid waste management, sewerage treatment plant, water supply, parks and play grounds.

Mallela Seshagiri Rao, an advocate and a landowner of Rayapudi, said, “Presently there are property tax, water and sewerage tax, development and betterment charges.

But, the extra taxes will really become a burden.” The Authority may levy a betterment charge and some special impact fee may be imposed in the vicinity of the capital region.

( Source : dc correspondent )
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