BJP leader to go on fast over jawaharnagar dump
Hyderabad: Uppal constituency MLA and BJP leader N.V.S.S. Prabhkar, who led the campaign against foul smell from Jawaharnagar dumpyard faced by thousands of nearby residents, threatened to go on fast-unto-death protest, if the state PCB failed to deal with issue in a week.
Mr Prabhakar, who lodged complaint about the issue with Telangana State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) told the high-level committee, chaired by the member secretary Anil Kumar of the board that even though a complaint was lodged in 2013, no action was taken.
The dump spread over 300 acres had no capping and the Chengicherla slaughter house was dumping 30 tons of animal waste illegally even as they were supposed to dispose it scientifically, said the task force team of TS PCB that inspected the site.
The MLA, accompanied by the residents of affected area, demanded the board committee members to see that the high level committee make visit and see the intensity and also close down the slaughter house running illegally.
In response, the TS PCB Member Secretary, Anil Kumar, said the high level committee including him would make the visit.
Mr. Prabhakar, said, "This issue has been worsened due to apathy of the GHMC and PCB officials, now it has taken toll on the health of over a lakh residents.
We would go on a fast unto death strike, if the board official fail to necessary action in a week’s time as promised."