
Nun killing case: Two acquitted

No corrections were made in the final chemical analysis report

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Former chief chemical examiner R. Geetha and chemical analyst M. Chithra of the State Chemical Examiners Laboratory here have been acquitted of the charges of manipulations in the work register of sister Abhaya’s chemical examination report.

Thiruvananthapuram chief judicial magistrate V. Vincent Charley on Friday acquitted the two giving them the benefit of doubt as their fraudulent intentions or conspiracy could not be proved.

Though it was proved that corrections were made in the work register without following the procedures, no corrections were made in the final chemical analysis report.

The allegation of manipulation in the work register came up in 2007, following which the CBI initiated a reinvestigation into the suspicious death of sister Abhaya at Pious-X convent in Kottayam in March 1992. This led to the arrest of priests Thomas Kottur, Jose Puthurukkayil and nun sister Sephy in 2008.

( Source : dc )
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