
Now, buy a uterus online on Ebay

A uterus has been listed on eBay in fund-raising bid for breast cancer
It might seem like a cheeky prank, but it’s actually a cleverly put out advert for an exteremely serious reason. Ann Truscott has stage four cancer and she needs A$25,000 to fund chemotherapy.
In the advert, Ann’s friend's uterus is described as ‘something special’ and ‘a mighty fine collectable’, there is a warning that it has been used. At the bottom there is a link to a gofundme page, which reveals what’s really going on.
Ann’s friend April Creed said on the gofundme page: ‘Ann and her family have drained their finances fighting her disease and despite still working a full-time job she can not afford the treatment.
A friend is need is a friend indeed and Ann's friend April Creed has come forward to raise funds by promising her uterus in the event of Creed'd death or hysterectomy.
“This is where we can help. I dont have $15000 either but I believe that if people donate what they can and share this campaign we can prolong her life . We all feel powerless against Cancer . This is a very real and worthy way of fighting back. We can change the ending of this story," says Ann on the fund page.
( Source : deccan chroncile )
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