Karnataka calls bids for Mekedatu water project
Nearly 50 % percent of forest land in the vicinity of Mekedatu will be submerged

Bengaluru: Following a green signal from Supreme Court senior counsel Fali Nariman, the state government has decided to go ahead with its ambitious Mekedatu drinking water project at Cauvery basin.
Speaking to reporters here on Tuesday, Water Resources Minister M.B. Patil said that senior counsel Fali Nariman who heading the Cauvery legal panel had suggested that the state government take up Mekedatu drinking water project.
With the green signal coming from Fali Nariman, the state has invited Global Expression of Interest (EOI) for technical feasibility to take up the project.
At present the state has identified 22 points at Mekedatu valley, in which one or two points will be finalized for construction of a dam which has storage capacity of 48 tmc feet of water, which is more than the storage at KRS dam, said Mr. Patil.
The Mekedatu project will provide drinking water for the whole of Bengaluru city and also some parts of old Mysore region in 2030. Nearly 50 % percent of forest land in the vicinity of Mekedatu will be submerged.