Black money probe: SIT asks public to provide vital information on suspects
The public notice asks people to furnish ‘precise’ information about secret assets abroad

New Delhi: Expanding its reach, the Special Investigation Team (SIT) on black money on Sunday issued a public notice asking people to furnish "precise" information about any Indian resident or entity holding illegal or secret assets abroad.
The SIT, headed by retd Supreme Court judge M B Shah with justice (retd) Arijit Pasayat as its Vice-Chairman, had promised to create such a public window sometime back and it has now given an assurance that the name of the information provider will be kept confidential.
"Persons (individuals, associations, NGOs or any other entity) having specific information about any "Resident" of India (Individual, HUF, Association of Persons, Company, Trust, Body of individuals, Firm, etc) having illegal and/or undisclosed bank accounts/assets located in foreign countries and/or undisclosed bank accounts/assets located in foreign countries and/or any interest in such assets/accounts in any manner may furnish such information to the SIT in the attached proforma," the high-powered panel said.
The panel said it requests the public at large to send "precise information in a crisp manner and mere allegations without specific details be avoided."
Justice (retd) Pasayat had earlier told PTI that the panel will take action in all such cases which have "specific" information about illegal assets stashed abroad.
The SIT, in today's notice, has also asked the public to make "concrete suggestions to bring unaccounted money stashed abroad back to India."