New norms for buildings construction in Andhra Pradesh
Town planning officials to be liable for any lapses in construction works

Rajahmundry: The state government has issued new norms for construction of bui-ldings, especially above six metres height, in all urban local bodies in the state to ensure their structural stability and safety to the inmates.
The town planning officials are liable for any lapses in the aftermath of the collapse of a two storey building, claiming two lives in Rajahmundry.
Accordingly, the urban local bodies are asked to call for a detailed report of the proposed building, including the reports on soil tests and structural stability, from the structural engineer and no relaxations are supposed to be given in setbacks to the upcoming building, especially when any abutting building is having more than two floors.
In case permission was sought for excavation of cellar floor, the authorities should call for det-ailed structural design of cellar portion from the building owner and if the owner takes up excavation of cellar floor, without obtaining the mandatory permission, the town planning field personnel should be made liable for such lapse.
The owner of the proposed building should appoint a structural consultant to assess the structural stability, of the building, by taking into consideration several parameters and the consultant should give a written undertaking to the civic authorities, giving details about under whose supervision the entire building will be executed.
The civic authorities should accord permission for construction of the building in such a way that at no point of time of construction of the building, the foundations of buildings, abutting the upcoming building, should be exposed.
During the excavation works at the building site for laying foundation, the town planning authorities and municipal engineers should inspect the work and for excavation of every two metres on the ground, the building owner sho-uld obtain the permission from the officials.
The municipal commissioner should review excavation works in case the depth is more than three metres. The commissioner is also empowered to cancel the permission to the building, in case the owners fail to comply with all safety norms.
Rajahmundry municipal corporation city planner V. Ram Kumar, said, “We are asking owners or builders to strictly comply with the new norms. They are asked to keep a booklet giving details about structural design, soil tests and others. We are also taking an undertaking from the structural engineer stating that he or she will take the res-ponsibility for any collapse of the building.”
The Confederation of Real Estate Developers Associations of India, the AP Chapter treasurer, Buddiga Srinivas, said, “We welcome the new norms for construction of buildings and we will follow them. Though it causes financial burden upon owners of small buildings to hire a structural engineer, it is worthy as it ensures safety.”