Rain to be less intense this week
Rainfall of 19.1 mm was recorded as on Sunday morning
Chennai: The rains are likely to continue in the city, say Met officials, though their intensity would reduce over the week. Rainfall of 19.1 mm was recorded as on Sunday morning, with various areas receiving heavy showers which caused waterlogging on the streets and jammed roads.“A trough has formed in the southwest, near coastal Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, though there is no depression or cyclonic activity observed,” says Dr S.R. Ramanan, deputy director of meteorology at the Regional Meteorological Department.
He adds, “The intensity of rains will decrease over the week, but in the coming days, there will be showers in some places.”For the next 48 hours, the Met department forecasts generally cloudy skies over Chennai and its neighbouring cities. Spells of rain and thundershowers can be expected in some areas and the maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to be around 32 degrees Celsius and 24 degrees Celsius.
Madurai on Sunday received the heaviest rainfall as per the last update at 8 am on Sunday - 133.1 mm of rainfall was recorded in the district.A warning has also been issued to fishermen for the next 24 hours. Officials say strong onshore winds are likely from the northeasterly direction reaching an occasional speed of 44-55 kmph along the Tamil Nadu and Puducherry coast.
The northeast monsoon has given the city normal rainfall over the past week with 89.4 mm of rain recorded. The districts of Coimbatore (106.9 mm), Erode (187.5 mm) and Krishnagiri (95.9 mm) received excessive rainfall. On Sunday, the maximum and minimum temperatures recorded were 28.7 degrees Celsius and 24.2 degrees Celsius with a relative humidity of 97 at Nungambakkam and 90, in Meenambakkam. A total of 9.8 mm of rainfall was recorded at Meenambakkam and 19.1 mm, at Nungambakkam until 8:30 am on Sunday.
( Source : dc correspondent )
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