
CEO Praveen awaits transfer order from ECI

Kumar has almost completed four years of his term
Chennai: Chief Electoral Officer Praveen Kumar is likely to be transferred and orders from the Election Commission of India are awaited. Kumar had written to the EC, seeking a transfer after the Opposition parties found fault with his implementation of Section 144 during the Lok Sabha polls, sources said.“He has been a non controversial officer and that’s the reason he was selected for the coveted post four years back, but the implementation of Section 144 during the recent Lok Sabha polls provoked criticism from opposition parties”, said an official who has worked with Praveen
“Whatever the CEO did was based on clear-cut instructions from the EC. This is the second time he is requesting for transfer back to the state government,” the official said.
Meanwhile there were unconfirmed reports in the corridors of the secretariat that a senior officer in the rank of principal secretary, belonging to the 1989 batch, has been selected as Kumar’s successor out of three recommended by the state government to the EC to choose from.
Kumar has almost completed four years of his term and is hurt after the DMK petitioned President Pranab Mukherjee early this month for action against him, levelling charges that his implementation of Section 144 helped the AIADMK in the recent Lok Sabha polls.
( Source : dc correspondent )
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