Are Tamil Nadu Men Poachers?
Bengaluru / Mysore /Salem: On Friday morning, trouble erupted as a bullet-riddled body of a 40-year-old Palani of Chettipatti near Mettur was fished out from Palar river in the Karnataka forest range. Villagers of Kolathur, Govindampadi and Chettipatti marched to the Mettur-M.M.Hills check-post and went on a rampage, torching the Karnataka forest check-post. The villagers alleged that the Karnataka forest officials had launched a motivated attack on three innocent fishermen from Tamil Nadu, who had gone for fishing in the Palar river near the Karnataka forests on 21 October. While Palani died in the firing by the Karnataka forest staff, two other men, Raja, 42, of Govindampadi and Muthusamy, 40, of Nettai Kalan Kottai escaped with bullet injuries.
Villagers alleged that Palani had suffered bullet and stab injuries and his private parts had been mutilated, pointing to “brutal torture” by the Karnataka forest staff. Villagers of Kolathur and neighbouring hamlets who eke out a living by fishing in the Cauvery and Palar river waters were being frequently targetted by the Karnataka forest staff, they charged. “Palani’s body has several external injuries and a deep wound on his head. His left hand is chopped-off and the private organ is also missing pointing towards torture”, an angry protestor from Govindapaddi village.
However, the Karnataka forest officials insisted that the trio, Palani, Muthusamy and Raja, were poachers who had entered the Palar area of the Karnataka forests and hunted two Sambar deer. When they noticed the Karnataka forest staff, who were patrolling the jungle track, the three men opened fire. The Karnataka forest staff launched into retaliatory firing in which Palani was killed and two others were injured. About 35 kg of deer’s meat were seized from them, the Karnataka officials said.
Palani’s accomplices Muthusamy and Raja, who suffered bullet injuries, are absconding and are said to be undergoing treatment in a private hospital.
“Unless we nab Muthusamy and Raja, we will not know what really happened,” a Tamil Nadu police officer said. A massive hunt is on for the elusive duo.
The body of Palani has been taken to the Mysore Medical College Hospital for post mortem by the Karnataka police.