Police caution, conceal contact
The police cautioned people to avoid visiting isolated spots near the river

Vijayawada: Though the police in Tadepalli of Guntur district are aware of the attacks against women and couples at the hands of miscreants alongside Krishna riverbank at Undavalli, they failed to take necessary measures to ensure the safety of the visitors.
After repeated incidents of women and young couples who visit the riverbank near Undavalli bei-ng attacked by miscreants for money were reported, the police cautioned people to avoid visiting isolated spots near the river.
Notice boards, cautioning the visitors, especially young girls, women and couples, were put up by the police. The boards asked the visitors not to go to isolated places.
The message on the boards asks people to contact the numbers written on the boards in any emergency.
Surprisingly, none of the boards have any contact numbers.
The police is also supposed to patrol the road but locals say that is seldom done.
“A patrolling team is seen very few times during the day. This is despite the fact that there are many criminal gangs on the prowl,” said Srinivas Varma, a local.