
'COME HOME RONALDO’: Manchester United fans splash out £3,000 for Ronaldo’s message-plane

Louis van Gaal too will be more than happy to have Ronaldo at the Old Trafford

London: Manchester United fans' plane-carried messages obsession has taken a step ahead with their latest effort reportedly attempted to bring their former forward Cristiano Ronaldo back home to Old Trafford.

The Real Madrid forward, who left United back in 2009 after six successful years with the club, is rumored to be thinking about a return to United in the summer, and the club's fans are ramping up their efforts to seduce the Portuguese international back with their latest airborne banner.

A United fans group have splashed out nearly 3,000 pounds for a plane to fly over Real Madrid's game with Villarreal on Saturday while carrying the message 'Come home Ronaldo',

The group's founder, Oli Grandidge, said that they have active supporters on every continent of the world and they are all united by their love for Ronaldo both as a football player and as a person.

Grandidge added that they would not stop until they bring Ronaldo home. He said that members from all over the world have donated their own money and resources to fund a mid game message, flown by plane, in a bid to demonstrate to Ronaldo how much the United faithful still love and support him.

While Manchester United fans are waiting to witness Ronaldo in Manchester United colours again, even the current Red Devils' boss Louis Van Gaal would be more than happy to Ronaldo back back at the Old Trafford.

( Source : ani/dc )
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