
50% fail first year exam

Only about 63 per cent first-year students passed in all the subjects in Telangana

Hyderabad: Despite the large sums being spent on improving higher education in Telangana state and Andhra Pradesh, the ground situation remains unchanged. Statistics from the Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP) show that only a little more than half of all first-year engineering students progressed to the second year in TS. The figures are worse in Andhra Pradesh. Data also shows that despite funds being granted by the Central government, universities and engineering colleges are unable to generate revenue through consultancies or projects.

As per the date, only about 63 per cent first-year students passed in all the subjects in Telangana, while in Andhra Pradesh, only 37 per cent students managed to do so.

About 13 engineering colleges each in TS and AP were selected for phase II of World Bank-funded TEQIP. Officials say that the aim of TEQIP is to strengthen the education system in engineering colleges and produce better quality engineers.

According to data from the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the TEQIP, the percentage of revenue of these selected colleges generated through externally funded research and consultancies is meagre and has fallen in the last four years of the programme implementation.

( Source : dc correspondent )
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