How did Kyra get those abs?
With the festive season knocking, it’s time to work on your midriff

TRX Kneeling roll out.
Hyderabad: At 46, American actress Kyra Sedgewich having washboard abs just tells us that fitness is a lifestyle for her and not a luxury. It’s hard work and dedication towards her fitness with a combination of diet, exercise and rest that has worked wonders for her. If you browse through her vacation images, you can see that she lives an active lifestyle; surfing and running even during a holiday. So if you dream of getting fit, make fitness a part of your lifestyle.
Understand your body and its requirements with the help of a professional personal trainer and nutritionist. Exercise needs to be done depending on your posture, muscle balance and technique. Body type is also a major factor along with the right nutrition.
Metabolic conditioning through exercise is a way to push your body to burn fat by mixing cardiovascular training with strength training, maintaining your heart rate at a fat burn zone or for a regular trainee pushing the heart rate to a performance improvement zone for short durations which is 80-90 per cent of max heart rate.
Make sure you have five balanced meals to help keep up the metabolism. By balanced we mean a good combination of whole grain nutrition rich carbohydrates, high biological value whole proteins, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables to get the required vitamins and minerals for the normal function of the body and the absorption of the carbohydrates, protein and fats. Water is a very important aspect. Three to four litres a day is important and must be had in small amounts through the day.
How to do it
Deadlifts, Pull-ups, Squats, Hanging leg raises, Cable wood chops, clean and press, TRX leg extension, VIPR upper-cuts with forward lunges, TRX Pikes, TRX roll outs, VIPR skiing, Interval cardio training - short sprints and little longer recovery could be on a treadmill, cycle or rowing machine. Combine the above exercises with 2-3 days of high intense cardio classes like LesMills RPM, LesMills BodyCombat or high intense dance classes with a combination of Yoga/LesMills BodyBalance 1-2 times a work will work wonders on your body and help you achieve wash board abs like Kyra Sedgewick irrespective of your age.
Kneel with the TRX slightly ahead of you with the TRX at long length. Hold the TRX with a slight bend at the elbow and roll forward using your shoulder and knee only dropping your entire body down slowly and pull back to start position using your core and rib cage musculature.
Hold the cable with moderately heavy resistance staight ahead at chest level with a slight bend at the elbow and a wide stance and knees soft. From there pull the cable in the opposite direction twisting your torso and hip movement being nil or minimal activating your oblique muscles and come back to centre slowly.
Jump side to side in a skiing or skating action pushin the VIPR to the outside of the leg, landing on till the VIPR is parallel to your lower leg and then repeat on the other side in a fast pace maintaining a straight back.
Keep feet shoulder width, knees soft, hold the bar shoulder width, back straight and bend from the hip till you can maintain a straight back without bending your knees any further and pull back at a similiar pace without any jerks.
Niran is the Fitness Manager at Fitness First India
( Source : dc )
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