Instagram's 'most hated' kid jailed
Mumbai: Param Sharma, who became popular as Instagram’s ‘richest kid’, has been jailed for selling a stolen iPhone online, according to the Daily Mail.
Of the many antics like sleeping with thousands of dollars in cash, flushing sparkling water down toilets and his weekly ‘cleaning out’ of Apple stores, walking around with at least 10 phones is one of them.
However, the 18-year-old, who is from California, was convicted on August 18 after being found guilty of a misdemeanor charge for failing to make a reasonable effort to find the original owner of an iPhone that he sold on Craigslist.
The self-proclaimed rich kid was still behind bars at the Santa Rita jail, apparently unable to cover his $30,000 bond.
“The police knew him and were unhappy with his social media accounts. $30,000 bail is not something that could be done for these charges,” Sharma’s attorney told Buzzfeed.
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Sharma has even received death threats for his “conceited and lavish” lifestyle. But his most notorious post so far has been the one in which he ties $4,000 to a balloon, only to let the cash float away. He then hashtagged the image under the handle #f**kdonations! Later, he even arranged a $20,000 giveaway to the first user who would respond to the post.
Sharma also brags about his frequent limo rides while the “rest of the world just watches”. The teen’s popularity even attracted investigations by different social media companies who wanted to establish if such a “douchebag” could actually exist. So far however, they have not been able to trace the kid down and the account remains attached to that “Indian kid who loves to insult, taunt and tease”.