Things you never knew about men and condoms
A new survey has revealed that men buy most of the small condoms

London: A new survey has revealed that men buy most of the small condoms.
The study, known as 'Down The Rabbit Hole', is a 53-page report written to "shed light on people's sex lives" in a way that was never been done before, the Daily Star reported.
Researcher Jon Millward, who analysed a million sales at sex toy firm Lovehoney over a five-month period, said that now the contents of many bedroom drawers could be known with absolute certainty.
Neal Slateford, Lovehoney co-owner, said that the findings shattered the myth that sex toys were most frequently bought by single people, in fact, most sales were to couples looking to enhance their sexual happiness and share the toys together.
The study revealed the followings:
1. 88 percent of small condoms are bought by men
2. 9 percent of male purchasers of lifelike sex dolls bought condoms with the same order
3. 18.5 percent of people write 'leave with neighbour' for their delivery instructions
4. All the batteries sold in a year have the potential to aid three million orgasms or power a vibrator for 28 years
5. 900,000 condoms were sold last year
6. Lovehoney sells enough lubricant in a year to fill 268 bathtubs or, alternatively, to supply a continuous lube shower for 52 hours
7. 119,200 penis rings are sold in a year. If these were combined into one giant ring, it would be 1.4 miles across, big enough to encircle the Empire State Building 20 times
8 66 percent of sex toy reviews are written by women who are 64 percent more likely than men to use the word 'love' in their reviews
9. Men use twice as many explicit words as women in their reviews
10. If you built a tower with all the dildos, vibrators and butt plugs that Lovehoney sell in a year, it would reach all the way from Earth through the stratosphere and out of the other side of the ozone layer.