Largest Ever: 7 times T-rex sized dinosaur skeleton found
Drexel researchers found over 70 percent of the bones

Washington: Researchers have uncovered an immense and remarkably complete dinosaur skeleton in Argentina.
According to researchers, the 85 feet long and weighing about 65 tons in life Dreadnoughtus schrani dinosaur is the largest land animal for which a body mass can be accurately calculated and the skeleton found is the most complete skeleton ever of its type.
Drexel researchers found over 70 percent of the bones, excluding the head, and Kenneth Lacovara, who found the fossil skeleton in southern Patagonia, said that the Dreadnoughtus schrani was astoundingly huge and weighed as much as a dozen African elephants or more than seven T. rex.
Lacovara added that skeletal evidence shows that when this 65-ton specimen died, it was not yet full grown, but it is by far the best example of any of the most giant creatures to ever walk the planet.