Looking young is easy
Mumbai: With an increasing number of anti-ageing advertisements, salon therapies and makeover shows on television, looking young has become a compulsion for men.
Though most of these options are most likely to burn a hole in your pocket, there are a few easy ways to take years off of your looks.
The first thing is to say no to facial hair. If you’re in love with it, have a stubble at the most. Shave it off completely otherwise.
And as we grow older, hair starts growing out of unwanted places, so keep your nose and ear hair in check. Get an appropriate trimmer. Maintain your brows.
An uni-brow is so 80s, so have them neatly trimmed.
Protect your skin with a moisturiser and sunscreen. Dry skin looks dull and makes you look in your 40s when you’re in your late 20s.
There are plenty of great moisturisers there, so grab one right now. A pearly white smile is what makes you look younger than ever.
So floss and rinse regularly at least twice a day if not after every meal.
Hit the gym regularly at least to walk on the treadmill. It will help you maintain a good posture and reduce stress which is the main reason for wrinkles while also keeping you in shape.
The way you dress also makes a huge difference. Wear more colour and ones that enhance your natural skin and hair tone.
Also keep a tab on the regular fashion trends so that you don’t end up looking last season.