Relationship tips: What to do when your ex is your colleague
Sticky situations in life are abundant. Ex as work colleague is one of them

Break ups are never easy. And if your ex flame happens to be your work-place colleague too, things may get only worse. But wait! Don’t jump the gun and run away from the situation. We bring you a few tips you might want to follow to be cordial at your work place.
Sort out your differences
No matter how bad a break-up, talking about things helps. Talk to your ex and sort out your differences. Clear misconceptions, if any. If you get this straight, it is half the battle won.
Be professional
There is a very good chance that you may know your ex-partner’s personality traits, and other minute details. Make sure that you keep those out of your office, or you might just fuel the fire further.
Treat them as just any other colleague
Treat your ex-partner as just another office colleague. Be cordial and talk to him/her. It is best to forget, for the time being, that you were ever a couple. This can be difficult, but with will-power you can work this out.
Avoid uncomfortable situations
When news of a split gets out, it may be an elephant-in-the-room like situation for your team-mates. Try to avoid that. Be friendly when your colleagues are around, so you keep the vibes of an underlying tension at bay.
Avoid drama
As earlier advised, try to sort out your differences. But in case that does not happen, avoid a showdown. You don’t want to wash your linen in public.
Keep your super-boss in the loop
If your ex-partner is your reporting boss, you might want to contemplate taking your super-boss into the loop. It is better to make things clear right from the start. After all appraisals are at stake!
Focus on your work
At the end of the day, let your work talk for you. Focus on your work and don’t let any external factors affect it.