DVAC looking into funds spent on Tamil conference
The previous government and cabinet conspired and misappropriated the amount

Chennai: The Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption has informed the Madras HC that a detailed enquiry is being conducted by in the matter relating to the alleged misappropriation of funds in conducting the World Classical Tamil conference in Coimbatore in 2010.
Mr G. Venkatarman and S. M. Mohamed Iqbal, joint director and additional superintendent of police of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption stated this in their counter affidavit filed in response to the contempt petition filed by B. Ramesh Babu.
Dismissing the contempt petition, Justice R. Mala said, “On perusal of the counter affidavit filed by DVAC. So I do not find any disobedience in the implementation of the order passed by this court. Hence, contempt petition is dismissed”.
In his petition, Ramesh Baby submitted that immediately after the conference, it was reported in the media that Rs 301 crore had been spent for the conference.
On being surprised how the previous government had lavishly spent the money irresponsibly and in order to ascertain the real amount spent, he had sent a representation to the state government on June 9, 2013 for which two contradictory replies were given.
One claimed that Rs 151 crore had been spent while the other said Rs 262 crore had been spent. Comparing the three contradictory figures, it was understood that the previous government and the cabinet conspired and misappropriated the amount.
Therefore, he had sent a representation to the authorities to take appropriate action against those responsible for the misappropriation. Since, there was no response, he filed a petition and this court had directed the authorities to register a case. However, no action was taken, he added.
In their counter, Venkatarman and Mohamed Iqbal submitted that during enquiry, the Tamil Development department has furnished information to the effect that Rs 262.63 crore was sanctioned for the conference which included Rs 56 crore for the TNEB.
To their query, the Principal Accountant General (Accounts and Entitlements) has replied that the amount booked under various head of government of TN for the Tamil conference was Rs 158.27 crore excluding the expenditure incurred by the TNEB relating to the conference and the remaining sanctioned amount would have remained unspent.
The detailed enquiry was in progress. Final and conclusive figures of expenditures have to be obtained from PAG. Details of actual expenditure incurred by the TNEB have to be received from TNEB. Verification with the files of the concerned departments relating to the unspent amount will have to be done.
“The detailed enquiry is being conducted by the DAVC with utmost sincerity in obedience to the directions of this court”, they added.