
Danish diver breaks record by holding breath underwater for 22mins

Stig Severinsen is also known as 'The man, who doesn't breathe'

Washington: A Danish diver has broken the record for holding his breath for 22 minutes under water with his head submerged in a pool in London.
Stig Severinsen, who is also known as 'The man, who doesn't breathe' uses the technique of "State of Zen" to control his breathing, the Daily Star reported.
After breaking the record, the 41-year-old said that he actually felt quite ok and the only time he felt troubled was before the dive but he gets into his zone once after diving underwater.
Stig explained that the heart rate drops, blood pressure changes and the mind shifts which helps alter the brainwave activity alters and one could feel in perfect happy balance with their life.
( Source : ANI )
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