Bengaluru police close in on second rapist?
Bengaluru: The police have reportedly identified the second accused in the alleged rape case of a six-year-old girl in Vibgyor High School in Marathahalli and are on the verge of cracking the case, said official sources. “The investigation is on the right track and we are on the verge of cracking the case, in the next few days,” said the officer on condition of anonymity.
Last week the police had arrested Mustafa alias Munna – the 30-year-old skating instructor in the school on “grounds of suspicion” for his alleged involvement in the heinous crime. “We have arrested him on grounds of suspicion. He seems to be a pervert but we cannot verify that he is a paedophile,” added the officer.
The investigation in the case has been a daunting task for police officials probing the case. “It involves a child, therefore, an identification parade is ruled out. The criminal complaint (by the parents) was registered days after the alleged crime took place and hence there is hardly any material or evidence left. The sequence of events as mentioned in the first information report (FIR) may be slightly different from how and when the crime actually took place,” added the officer.
The police have sought the help of child psychiatrists in the National Institute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences (Nimhans), where the victim is undergoing counseling to get some more details on the crime and the accused. “We have sought the co-operation of the parents and her counselors. We don’t want to further traumatize the child,” said another officer.