Oh boy! Sex toy stuck in woman’s vagina for 10 years
After removing the sex toy, doctors managed to repair the damage and the woman was later discharged

Mumbai: Doctors in Scotland found a foreign body – a sex toy – stuck inside the vagina of a 38-year-old woman, who complained of severe weight loss and lethargy. What is more shocking is the sex toy had been there for 10 years.
According to the Daily Mail, the woman told the doctors she used the toy while she was in drunken state, hence does not remember much of the sexual encounter.
The effect however was life threatening. According to reports, it had caused a bladder blockage, which forced urine back into her kidney.
After removing the sex toy, doctors managed to repair the damage and the woman was later discharged from hospital.
There have instances when other bizarre items have been found stuck - hairspray cap, a cylindrical tin container, a plastic cup and a child’s toy.
The article was published in the June edition of the Journal of Sexual Medicine. It is the first time a sex toy has been left inside a woman for as long as a decade.
One lesson learnt: Don’t use sex toys when drunk!