Andhra Pradesh capital to herald a green revolution
New capital will have all major government buildings to be developed as green buildings

Hyderabad: The new proposed capital city for Andhra Pradesh will have all the major government buildings to be developed as green buildings to make for a model green city. Apart from increasing the green cover in the capital city, extensive landscaping, green buildings and usage of renewable energy like solar and wind will be taken up, said the municipal administration minister for AP, P. Narayana.
As per the plans, the state government will consult CII and Indian Green Buildings Council for building the new eco-friendly Secretariat, Assembly, High Court and other major government buildings.
Green building although take the same amount of construction time and add barely 3 to 5 per cent to the cost. It results in huge savings of 50 to 60 per cent in the cost of energy and water.
“Green buildings use fewer natural resources, reduce energy and water consumption and use raw materials which are eco-friendly. Green buildings ensure that the indoor air quality in the building is good by using special techniques like going in for an insulated wall, carefully selected glass, methods like air cavity wall (two sets of wall separated by air) etc.
There are several interventions by which lighting can be done in a commercial building using energy efficient methods. Similarly do air-conditioning can be done at 500 square feet per TR which means more air-conditioning for a lesser load,”said S. Srinivas, deputy executive director, CII-Godrej GBC.
The buildings also pay special attention to use of eco-friendly materials, water based paints and low chemical emitting paints to allow the inside air to be fresher. It addresses the issues of ‘Sick Building Syndrome’ which results in nausea, headaches, irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and neurotoxic problems.
"Green buildings typically allow fresh air and rely less on air-conditioning. Also the usage of water per person is around 30 litres per day in a green building while in regular commercial buildings is as high as 45 litres. Similarly by using energy efficient equipment, renewable sources of energy and techniques, the energy consumption goes down by two thirds," added the official.