Ganesha Speaks: Western Tropical Planetary Positions
Propose this week if you are serious

Sun enters Leo- July 23 2014
Sun’s entry in Leo is likely to bring back lost enthusiasm in many people’s lives. It will generally indicate increased confidence and performance. Because Sun rules Leo, its entry in its own sign would bring forth issues that have not been paid attention to, i.e., it’s going to illuminate the areas of life that you were blind about. Those planning for kids will have the stars in their favour with the Sun’s entry in Leo.
Sun, Jupiter degreecal conjunction in Leo- July 25
This conjunction will widen the scope for students. They will be able to take the right decisions regarding their education. This is also a good time to learn new subjects. For researchers, this day is very vital. Your energy levels will be very high but ensure that you don’t waste your energy on things that do not add value to your life.
New Moon in Leo - July 26/27
Depending on your country of residence, this event will fall on July 26/27. This is one of the most powerful new moons of the year because Sun, Jupiter and Moon will be together in Leo. You can start sports activities with this new moon. You can also start new academic studies from this date.
This new Moon is going to bring forth everyone’s real potential.
Career and Business
During this week, business is likely to gain momentum. Things that are unsettled will now find their way due to Mars’ entry in Scorpio. Those in jobs will now be able to work more comfortably. There are chances of you getting involved in some major projects. With Venus and Mercury both in Cancer, the week is superb for travelling (business trips or vocational). It is also the right time to think about increasing production or expanding services. On the whole, this is going to be a progressive week.
Love and Dating
This week is going to favour only those people who really wish to continue a serious relationship. Commitment is going to matter a lot with Venus and Mercury both in Cancer. Of course, with Sun’s entry in Leo this week, ego conflicts will have to be taken care of.
This is the time to pour your heart out to your lover.
But those who are not serious about the relationship will have to maintain caution as in the up-coming months, there will be a negative turning point.
Relationships and Sex
Relations with parents are going to improve during this week. With Sun in Leo, you can expect a father’s full support. If you listen to your father or boss’ advice, you will be able to add new and positive dimensions in your life. Siblings will remain close to your heart.
Sexually this week is going to be only 50 per cent active.
Marriage and Children
As far as very personal relationship i.e., married life goes – the week is not very stable. Nodes on Aries Libra axis can keep you concerned about your married life. Most married couples will experience stress in their married life. But common interest or joint activities will help strengthen the marital bond.
Personal Life
Health issues will have to be taken care of. Your personal aspirations or goals may seem to be blocked at some point. You will feel that your energy to move forward is getting obstructed by something or the other.
Mars and Saturn’s conflict of energy in Scorpio will make you feel that things are slowing down, but actually this is the right time to plan on how you wish to invest your energy.
Wealth, Property, Money and Finance
This week you will spend wisely. This week is also good for reviewing your saving plans and to reflect upon the budget.
But don’t think of buying a home. Best would be to hold off your investment plans for now.