How to know whether it is love or infatuation? Find out
If you value your partner more than just his/her looks, you are in love

Mumbai: Are you in a relationship and confused? Here are some tips on how to know wheter it is infatuation or love:
Examine whether you value that person more than his/ her physical appearance
If you care for him/her even after knowing his or her faults, it means you are in love. When you are confident enough that your partner will accept you inspite of your broken relationship, you should choose commitment towards your partner.
While you're constantly thinking about the other person, you're not confident that he or she has what it takes to go the distance. If your partner demands just physical pleasure time and again, it is advisable not to continue such a relationship
Your relationship duration will reveal it to you
Think about how long you've been in the relationship. If you are in love, it will be obvious that you won’t be able to imagine life without him or her. You will further want to spend time to get to know them on a deeper level.
Look at how you handle conflict
If you are in love with your partner, may times even if you don't agree with your partner you will prefer taking their side and defend them in front of your family and friends. If both of you be truthful enough about previous break-ups, it means this relationship can be continued for a longer duration, as compared to a relationship which only believes in looks.