Government to increase job opportunities: Labour Minister
Government is promoting labour intensive manufacturing, increasing emloyment

New Delhi: Government on Monday said that it has decided to use at least 10 per cent of special central assistance to tribal sub-plan, scheduled caste sub-plan and multi-sectoral development programme funds for skill development and enhancing employability of youth.
5 per cent of border area development funds will also be earmarked for generating job opportunities, Labour and employment minister Narendra Singh Tomar informed the Lok Sabha.
He said that in addition to the existing public employment generation schemes, the government is promoting labour intensive manufacturing and increasing employment opportunities to be generated by promoting tourism and agro-based industries.
But Supriya Sule (NCP), who had asked the question, said she was not satisfied with the reply as it sounded like a ‘bureaucratic write up’.
But nothing much could be heard due to din created by the Opposition over a variety of issues like price rise during Question Hour.