
Take care of your feet this monsoon

Walking in the rain may be fun, but what about the problems your feet faces later?

Hyderabad: Walking in the rain may be fun, but the problems that come after that ‘fun’ walk can be difficult to tackle, especially when it comes to feet care. Here is what to watch out for and effective ways to deal with these problems without dampening your fun quotient.
Infections to watch out for
Fungal infections are the most common woes and so is the issue of soft macerated skin. Both are the result of prolonged wetness. The skin of the sole and sides of toes becomes soggy, pale and can be easily peeled off. Always wear open shoes when you are planning on waddling through puddles. Once indoors, wash your feet with antiseptic and dust them with an antifungal dusting powder.
Prevent Foot Trouble

Increase feet blood circulation
Put your feet up while sitting or lying down, stretching if you’ve had to sit for a long while.
Wear the right fit
The size of your feet changes as you grow older. The best time to measure your feet is at the end of the day when your feet are largest.
Creams and juices
Mint and basil based creams and foot scrubs are great for this season because they are natural deodorants with antiseptic properties. Avoid oily creams. Lemon and onion juice are good remedies for itchy feet. Apply them if you have an itchy feet.
( Source : deccan chronicle )
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