Now shock and knock assaulters with anti-rape lingerie
The unique garment is embedded with GPS and GMS systems

New Delhi: Lingerie that can protect women from sexual assault by sending off an electric shock to the assailant and knocking him off, is one of the ideas that will be part of ‘innovation scholars in-residence’ programme hosted by the Rashtrapati Bhavan.
Developed by a 24-year-old aeronautical engineer in Chandigarh, the product will not only act as a deterrent but also make women feel safe in a country where rapes occur every 22 minutes.
The unique garment is embedded with GPS and GMS systems and can send an emergency message to parents and police whenever a woman is attacked, also giving burns to the assaulter.
The 20-day programme will showcase innovations by young minds. The event will give an opportunity to budding artistes, writers and innovators an opportunity to be a part of the life of Rashtrapati Bhavan.
The program will be held between July 1 to 20.
Meanwhile, two young girls from Varanasi have also designed a pair of high-tech jeans to combat India’s invasive rape crisis.
Diksha Pathak, 21, and Anjali Srivastava, 23 have designed a pair of pants outfitted with a small electronic button that sends a distress call to the nearest police station when pressed. The signal also acts as a tracker, so that police can rush straight to the victim’s location.
Reportedly, there are already 200 police stations in Varanasi and its surrounding areas, which are capable of receiving the alarm.
The poor state of women's safety in India has been under the spotlight since the gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old student on a moving bus in the capital Delhi in 2012, which led to the introduction of tougher rape laws.