Star power: Ganesha Speaks
As per West, Tropical Planetary Positions

Cosmic Calendar 30 June 2014
Mars, Rahu and Moon Stellium in Libra on 5, July 2014, The said Stellium of Mars, Rahu (North Node) and Moon will bring forth tensions, confusion and even aggression. Ganesha finds July 5 and 6 of 2014, to be more critical for everyone because the Stellium will be Squared with Pluto, Sun and Jupiter. On these two dates, partnerships may dissolve unexpectedly and there will be major upheavals in major business empires. Also, on a personal level, this change indicates imbalance between the home front and the personal front. Moreover, there will be friction between colleagues or unnecessary rifts with the life partner. Decisions taken in aggression could work against you, so take it easy, advices Ganesha.
Career and Business
As per Ganesha’s view, this week is going to keep all career-focussed people very occupied. In all likelihood, a cut-throat competitor or enterprise is going to bother everyone. Also, the pressure to perform is going to increase, which may result in ill health, or nervousness depending on your constitution and mental strength. This week is also going to keep you on your toes because a few deals will prove to be too difficult to ‘crack’. In fact, there is every possibility of a business associate or a partner bidding goodbye during this week, which might add fuel to the fire, says Ganesha.
Love And Dating
You may have time for your lover or “very close friend”, but the week indicates there could be confusion during communication. An overflow of information or communication may put you in trouble, so if you love someone dearly, try to avoid getting carried away by what someone else might have told you about that person you love. Basically, if someone tells you that your girlfriend is going around with someone else, don’t take those words on face-value. If you do, you may end up breaking a very valued relationship over a silly misunderstanding that could have been avoided in the first place.
Relationships And Sex
Stable relationships may start trembling due to misunderstandings. So this week you need to handle all matters with extreme care. Ganesha strongly feels that during this week it will be necessary to maintain clarity in all matters regarding your relationship, else things will change direction or may take the wrong turn. Sexually, this week will not be so “charged up”, unless you are interested in other “genres” of sex (style of sex) rather than traditional way. Ganesha, however, feels that this week is good for those who are in a relationship with the same gender!
Marriage And Children
Married life is not going to be easy this week. But, it may so happen that you could suddenly start getting increasingly irritated by your partner’s behaviour in public or even at her approach towards you. Because Mars and North Node approaching each other during this week will create unrest, so it’s better to be careful and avoid getting into prolonged heated conversations with your partner. But beware, Jupiter, Sun or Pluto’s Square won’t come to your rescue if you decide to part ways with your life partner. So think well before you take any major decision, says Ganesha.
Personal Life
This week looks good for those willing to achieve those ambitious personal goals. But there will also be a some impediments along the way. Worry not though, because you will be able to manage them pretty well. There are chances that you may get into a new work area or you may even start taking advantage of something that has been embedded within you, an innate quality that you were not using it at all. What it means is that hidden talents may soon surface or they may start giving you tangible or intangible benefits. But Ganesha says that during this week, you will have to be cautious of immoral people and activities.
Wealth, Property, Money And Finance
Money matters will have to be handled with extreme care, but that doesn’t mean the week is bad. The week shows money being spent on short-distance trips, friends, siblings and books or communication instruments. You should also try to avoid buying things that give you temporary satisfaction or relaxation. Ganesha is also asking you to avoid spending money on credit cards or loans just because you wanted to spend a huge sum on a foreign trip or an expensive mobile phone. The best part of the week is that the ones looking for long-term investment opportunities shall have the stars in their favour. But, avoid signing any new contracts this week, as Mercury is retrograde.