
5 reasons you're trying really hard but not losing weight

The problem may have more to do with your general health than with your food

Mumbai: You are hitting the gym, running that extra mile and staying away from you favourite ‘unhealthy’ snacks but still not losing that extra flab?

There is definitely something that you aren’t doing right. The problem may have more to do with your general health than with your food.

Here are simple solutions to help you lose weight:

1. Get more sleep, stick to a schedule

It is scientifically proven that if you do no sleep well, the body’s hormones do not work properly. This in turn affects your metabolism and makes you gain weight.

Experts also say that people suffering from insomnia tend to snack late night or drink coffee, adding to the problem.

So, get into a routine. Sleep for at least 6-7 hours, avoid lying down in bed aimlessly and do not watch TV late night. Also, do not drink coffee after 4 pm.

2. Are you depressed?

Sometimes when you are depressed you tend to eat more food. Do not share an emotional relationship with you food. Stay away from fatty foods when you have bouts of depression.

Try picking up a hobby, meditate or indulge in reading and get you mind off food.

Ensure you always have healthy snacks, such as fruit, nuts and seeds, on hand to stave off those pangs of hunger.

3. Stress causes hunger

When the stress hormone kicks in, the body produces more cortisol, which then triggers hunger. The faint hearted give in and have an unhealthy snack thinking they will make up for it with an extra exercise. That will not help. Do not cheat, stick to a regime.

4. You could be a thyroid patient

Many people find they put on weight when they have Hypothyroidism. However, it is curable and the hormones will come down after treatment

If you have tiredness, constipation, aches, dry skin, lifeless hair and feel cold all the time, it is time to see a doctor.

5. Eating late at night

Studies have shown that people who eat an hour or two before going to bed will put on more weight even if they exercise. This happens because the body is aware that you are not being active, so it stores the calories by turning them into fat.

Eat like a beggar in the night, avoid rice, cheese and butter. Eat wholemeal breads, rotis, and brown rice.

Cut your carbs and have a balanced diet. Eliminate cravings.

Read: Skipping breakfast does not influence weight loss or weight gain

( Source : dc )
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