Dalai Lama’s bruised face, lip cut and broken glasses?
Amnesty International has launched hard hitting campaign against torture

Mumbai: In a move to put an end to torture and violence, Amnesty International, Belgium has launched a visually disturbing yet hard hitting campaign.
The ad campaign shows badly bruised faces of three iconic people – the Dalai Lama, Iggy Pop and Karl Lagerfield, according to Huffington Post.
Pictures of these famous men has been photo-shopped with sarcastic messages written below the images to force people to ponder over violence around the world
It is quite disturbing to see the Dalai Lama swollen face with a cut lip and broken glasses.
The caption reads below his image reads: "Un homme qui n'a pas de Rolex a 50 ans a rate sa vie," which translates to "A man who doesn't have a Rolex by the time he's 50 has wasted his life."
The main objective of this rather unique campaign is to draw people’s attention to atrocities around the world and put an end to it.
The campaign's slogan in French is "Torturez un homme et il vous racontera n'importe quoi," roughly translated to "If you torture a man, he'll tell you anything."
The face of American rock star Iggy Pop is shown badly disfigured and the caption below his photograph reads: "L'avenir du rock, c'est Justin Bieber (Justin Bieber is the future of rock)."
German fashion designer of Chanel, Karl Lagerfield’s face is badly bruised in a picture used in the campaign.
The caption below his photograph reads: "Sommet de l'elegance, c'est la chemise hawaienne et les tongs." (The height of elegance is a Hawaiian shirt and thongs.”)
It is not sure whether the Dalai Lama, Lagerfeld or Iggy Pop have actually agreed to participate in the campaign, but it hasn't stopped Amnesty from spreading the leaflets in Belgian cities.
The ‘Stop Torture’ was launched in May.