Hair today, gone tomorrow: dealing with hair loss
Choosing the right solution to an individual hair type is often a big challenge

Loss of hair or severe hair fall is a constant complaint seen not only in middle-aged people but also in youngsters. The falling of hair, thinning or visibility of scalp has a psychological impact as well as it affects the looks of an individual, leading to further stress.
The psychological impact of hair fall leads to anxiety, distress and also affects overall looks, making the individual more conscious of his or her problem. There are too many solutions trending in the market but to pick and choose the right one suitable to an individual hair type is often a big challenge.
Causes vary from stress, environmental pollution, water quality, hormonal changes and also genetics. Preventing hair fall, controlling baldness and also ensuring that lost hair is reversed is an agenda for many. While there are treatments galore, zeroing in on one that suits a person is a task. Also, identifying the right treatment and sticking to it requires huge patience.
Losing 50-60 hair is natural
When there are more than a lakh strands of hair, losing 50 to 60 per day is natural. This is because hair fall is a phase and it is normally followed by a period of rest and regrowth later. However when the hair fall phase is long and the regrowth is weak then the thinning of hair begins.
Most people, both young and middle-aged, get alarmed at the hair thinning stage when they find that their hair is thinner than what it used to be. Dr Anup Kumar Lahiry, consultant dermatologist, Apollo Hospitals, explains, “The major causes of excessive hair loss are stress, pollutants and improper diet. Consumption of too much fast food, skipping meals or not eating on time also contribute to hair loss.
A proper diet of iron, zinc and proteins can help to maintain good hair growth. Underlying problems like thyroid, anaemia, crash dieting, scalp and skin diseases are other factors. External factors like harsh shampoos or frequent usage of other chemical haircare products also damage hair.”
Most patients can’t identify the cause. The problem intensifies when patients become impatient. Changes occur over three to six months and patiently following the prescribed hair care regime is very important.
Change in haircare regime
The use of colours and procedures such as hair straightening, waving and excessive cleaning of hair can also lead to hair thinning. Even simple hairstyle like pigtails or cornrows or the use of tight rollers pulls the hair resulting in hair loss.
If the pulling is stopped before scarring develops on the scalp then the hair can grow normally. But often people don’t realise that they are pulling their hair too much. When such styles are continued for long, then the result is permanent hair loss.
Dr Gowri V., senior dermatologist at Yashoda Hospital says, “A basic act like harsh combing of hair over a prolonged period of time can cause damage. This can cause hair loss from the sides or from those places where the hair is patterned. Scarring can be controlled with medicines but there is also a need to change the method of hair care. Hot water weakens the hair, so use lukewarm water.”
A pattern in baldness
Hair fall results in two conditions - pattern baldness and thinning of hair. The first phase of thinning begins even in pattern baldness where both males and females are affected. Some men start losing hair from the front of the scalp while others lose it near the crown area. In females, it starts showing in the pattern areas.
Dr Vaggu Anand Kumar, consultant dermatologist, cosmetologist and hair transplantation surgeon, KIMS, says, “The main treatment for this condition is minoxidil topical lotion 5% in men and 2% in women. Finasteride tablet is approved for men but not in women.”
Minoxidil can be used for hair as it gives it strength and also helps in regrowth.
Women are known to have good and long hair but due to the changes in lifestyle, increasing stress and environmental changes many women suffer from severe hair fall issues.