Shopping may be a bad idea to fix a broken heart: Study
Lovelorn women who indulge in some retail therapy tend to shell out more

London: A survey has revealed that shopping while trying to recover from a broken heart may be bad news for your bank balance.
It was found that lovelorn women who indulge in some retail therapy tend to shell out more than on any other shopping trip even when on ‘window-shopping’, the Daily Express reported.
Andy Oldham of cash back site, who commissioned the poll, said that shopping has often been called retail therapy as moods and experiences can have a lot of effect on how much you spend, and it appears as if women are more willing to spend more cash after breaking up with someone.
She further warned that women need to be careful while spending depending on their mood because they might end up regretting overspending the next day.
The study also found out few other reasons to shop including finding something in particular, a pre-holiday shopping or it was a payday.