
Plus-size models have no takers?

Big isn’t always beautiful, especially when it’s do with weight

Mumbai: Big isn’t always beautiful, especially when it’s do with weight. While plus size models in the West are comfortable in their skin and are accepted and in demand for the clothes they endorse, back home the scenario is grim. One would think with the expanding retail industry for plus size clothes, there would be a big demand or atleast some demand for plus size Indian models. Sadly, it’s far from the truth. With random models trying their luck, there’s no organised agency yet to cater to plus size models.
Sana Saini, along with friends, will soon launch Plus Size Models India, a unique platform for aspiring plus size models not just in clothes, but will feature, plus size shoes, jewellery and latest fashion. Talking about the concept Sana says, “When you look at the Indian mentality, we’re still conseraxvvative about what we wear. If you’re bulky, forget others, you yourself start putting restrictions. To spread about plus size concept in India isn’t easy. When I travel abroad, it’s so refreshing to see people there are carefree! And plus size isn’t just limited to weight, it’s about big feet, height, or even customise accessories. We have invited applications from plus-size candidates who’re interested in modelling on our Facebook page, so far, we’ve received around 30 applications from all over India. There’s no criteria for weight or height. And most of the plus-size models that you may have seen in print are foreigners, mostly from Iran.”
It’s not just models. Even agencies find it tough to coordinate plus-size models for clients.
Former model and emcee Meyhar Bhasin, who has a grooming and modelling academy says, “We hire plus-size models independently as such no one is really promoting plus size models in India. And there are very few who are kind of comfortable to step out as plus size models. Sadly, even designers feign away from hiring them. Hopefully, all this should change as it has in Western countries.”
Another model coordinator Maswood Khan, who recently organised plus-size models for Plus S by Sandeep Aggarwal, where actress Delnaz Irani was the showstopper, says, “We don’t get too many requests for plus-size models. There’s definitely a void and there should be a platform for them. Of all the celebrities, Delnaz is comfortable in her skin and hence she was the show-stopper for Plus S.”
Rajat Khanna, 26, saw an ad in the newspaper for plus-size models and on a whim he sent his photos. He was called for the audition and the next thing he knew he was walking the ramp for Plus S’ show. Rajat owns a business, but is open to modelling as a profession. He says, “It was a dream come true, as I wanted to walk the ramp ever since I was in college. For the show, I don’t remember how much we were paid, it was roughly around '2,500-3,000, I spent it on friends that very evening. If I am asked to lose weight or maintain my current weight, I am open to both options.”
At 33, Vidhi Das, an entrepreneur, couldn’t be happy to get an opportunity to walk the ramp. She walked the ramp with Rajat and sharing her experience she says, “We were made to feel very comfortable behind the stage along with regular models. We had a make-up expert as well. During the audition, we were given clothes to try on and were photographed. I am very comfortable with how I look, so walking the ramp came easily to me.”
Another aspiring model Sanjeevani Vyas, 23, is a management student who works with a bank in Kolkata.
She sent her photos to Plus Size Models India recently. “I never thought about modelling, but after seeing the Facebook page of Plus Size Models, India, I excitedly applied. I earlier thought that only skinny girls could model, but it’s good to know there’s place for imperfection here. In big cities, there may be options for plus size clothing, but it’s not so in smaller cities.” When asked if she’s willing to lose weight for modelling, Sanjeevani says, “I am happy the way I am. I won’t change myself for anyone.”
( Source : deccan chronicle )
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